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Sep 27, 2019

Phalin Oliver is a fellow podcaster, inspired by her experiences with her mental health. She shares her journey as a black woman who grew up in white suburbia as part of a religious "cult" with a family she no longer speaks to.

Phalin's podcast is Hueman Journey

Connect with her @phalinoliver and @huemanjourneypod on...

Sep 20, 2019

Bryan Piatt returns to the "People I Know Show" podcast following four months of bringing his personal mental health challenges to the public eye. Bryan, who last year stepped away from his on air role at KARE-11 TV in Minneapolis, has shared his struggles with several media outlets and as a speaker in front of large...

Sep 13, 2019

Millions of people struggle with a social anxiety disorder called shy bladder syndrome, or bashful bladder syndrome, or paruresis.  I am one of them.

This is labeled a bonus episode because there is no guest. As the podcast continues with a greater focus on vulnerability, I felt it was right to share a story from my...

Sep 6, 2019

Barbara Lee has had a successful professional career with a variety of great opportunities along her journey. But when people suggest that she "has it all together", she knows that there is much more to her story. 

Curt Carstensen recently saw his cousin Barbara as she was operating the Nordic Waffles cabin at The...