Jul 26, 2019
Curt Carstensen was recently featured as the guest on "The Phil Ferguson Show" and this episode is that interview. Phil and Curt discuss what "People I Know Show" is about, some of the previous episodes, atheism/religion, the challenges of learning a new language and Toastmasters.
Listen to the entire episode "310...
Jul 19, 2019
An unlikely friendship began 6 1/2 years ago when Curt Carstensen somewhat randomly invited Jim Ryan to Curt's big 30th birthday celebration. Jim showed up to the birthday party, as did his husband Michael, which was a pivotal moment in Jim's opening up about his sexuality, and the start of a great friendship...
Jul 12, 2019
Elles Houweling has lived in and traveled to many parts of the world. After a short time living a lifestyle that would keep her in the same place for several years, she realized she didn't want that and instead began backpacking through Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, designing a life that would allow her the ability...
Jul 5, 2019
Tom Jump is a philosopher and has weekly debates on his YouTube Channel, TJump. He most commonly debates expert theologians to promote reason and atheism and debunk religious claims. Tom, dealing with depression and social anxiety, has spent much of the last decade secluded, studying philosophy and writing a model of...